
Recipes for the Future: Climate, Culture, and Cuisine

Course Number: ENVST 337
Title: Recipes for the Future: Climate, Culture, and Cuisine
Day & Time 1: TR 01:00PM 02:15PM
Instructor I: Johnson E
Credit: 1.00
Course Description:

This course examines the relationship between food, identity, and climate change through an intersectional, ecological lens. We will examine the systemic, institutional, and interpersonal power present in foodways. We then explore how the climate crisis is already shifting cultural foodways, and the future implications of climate change on food systems globally, regionally, and locally. The course then focuses on projects aimed at mitigating these impacts in an attempt to preserve culinary ingredients and traditions in the face of a changing climate.

Comments: Open to Srs., Jrs., and Sophomores

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