  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Benjamin DiCicco-Bloom co-authored an article published online in the journal Sociology of Health & Illness. “The Benefits of Respectful Interactions: Fluid Alliancing and Inter-Occupational Information Sharing in Primary Care,” explores interactions between healthcare professionals and their effect on patient care.

  • The F.I.L.M. (Forum on Image and Language in Motion) series concludes on Sunday, April 24, at 2 p.m., when series director Scott MacDonald presents “Music and Cinema.” The event takes place in the Bradford Auditorium, KJ, and is free and open to the public.

  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate recently gave presentations at several venues in Europe. He discussed interreligious relations in Spain and then traveled to Sweden and Germany to discuss sacred scriptures and texts.

  • Students in the Hispanic Studies Latin American film course (HSPT 323/423) recently visited the George Eastman Museum, in Rochester, N.Y., home to an important celluloid film collection. They viewed key works in the George Eastman archives and toured climate-controlled celluloid vaults.

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera recently published an article titled “Is Russia Too Unique to Learn from Abroad? Elite Attitudes on Foreign Borrowing and the West, 1993-2012” in Sravnitel’naya politika (Comparative Politics).

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Azriel Grysman was the co-author of articles published recently in the journals Memory and Memory & Cognition. The articles report results research on gender and memory, conducted with his colleagues at Emory University.

  • Roberta Krueger, the Burgess Professor of French, presented an invited lecture titled “Piety and Profanity in Medieval Conduct Books: The Case of Antoine de la Sale’s Jean de Saintré” at the University of Missouri on April 7.

  • A paper titled “Unearthing the ‘Green’ Personality: Core Traits Predict Environmentally Friendly Behavior,” co-authored by Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology Cameron Brick, was referenced in an article that appeared in the Santa Barbara Independent (Santa Barbara, Calif.) on April 10.

  • During an April 5  NPR Hidden Brain Grit,”  University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth spoke about research conducted by Daniel Chambliss, the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology. Duckworth described Chambliss as “one of my favorite thinkers on this topic,” and referenced his extensive research on Olympic swimmers.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner hosted a conference titled “The Modern Prometheus; or, Frankenstein” on April 8-9. The interdisciplinary symposium explored the ways in which the literature, mythology and philosophy of Greek and Roman antiquity inform Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and its later traditions.


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