The goal of the Anthropology Department is to prompt students to grapple with what it means to be human, through critical engagement with method and theory and the interplay between the two in original research.
The Senior Program
The senior project in anthropology provides students the opportunity to conduct independent research under the direction of two departmental advisers. Students having an average of 88 in anthropology may become candidates for departmental honors by continuing their projects during the second semester of the senior year.
Recent projects in anthropology include:
- Placemaking in the Anthropocene: The “Future” and the “Self” in the Climate Crisis Classroom
- Girl Thesis: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Girlboss
- TikTok as a Trans Technology: Exploring Reactionary Transphobia and Trans Resiliency through Digital Ethnography
- The Weight of History: Nerviosismo and the Embodiment of Trauma in the Cuban-American Community
- Come out Here and Adult…Yeah, That’s Life, Working Everyday
- Education as a Conservative Cultural Project: Discourse Analysis of Prager U’s Representations of Black Men in American History
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Post-Affirmative Action Higher Education: Liberal Arts Colleges as Microcosms for DEI Efforts
Recent projects in archaeology include:
- Insights from Petrographic Analysis: Interpreting Ceramic Production in Azerbaijan
- ‘Sherd’ is the word that you heard: Analyzing Medieval Islamic Ceramics from Azerbaijan
- Animals and mortuary ritual in Bronze Age Bahrain: the mounds of Sar al-Jisr
Department Name
Anthropology Department
Contact Name
Julie Starr, Chair
Clinton, NY 13323