Meet weekly for one hour with a small group of students from your class and a tutor. These sessions will run for 3-4 consecutive weeks directly following spring break. During these sessions, students are expected to work collaboratively to clean data, choose analytical methods, perform analysis, format results, and interpret trends. The sessions will be supported by two tutors, one with experience in your discipline and the other with data analytic skills. If you are interested in more details, speak with your research advisor who can work with the QSR Director to set up a group for your discipline. (Spring 2023 only available to seniors in Psychology and Economics).

Tutor Appointments

Peer tutor and consultant appointments are managed through TracCloud (login required). Find resources and more information about the ALEX centers using the following links.


Jessica Kelly

Director of the Quantitative & Symbolic Reasoning Center

Help us provide an accessible education, offer innovative resources and programs, and foster intellectual exploration.

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