Alex Mascot
The likeness of Alexander Hamilton establishes the connection between the person for whom the College is named and the nickname for the College’s athletics teams. It also conveys the spirit and values of the College community and the institution’s emphasis on being a school of opportunity. A poor and orphaned immigrant, Alexander Hamilton overcame adversity to become one of early America’s greatest public servants. His opposition to slavery, along with his financial acumen, service in the Continental Army, persuasive writing and eloquent speaking make him a worthy representation of the College that bears his name. Alex, was introduced to the Hamilton community during Fallcoming and Family Weekend 2014.

“Alex” Figure Drawings
The figure drawings of Alex are available for use by anyone in the College community. A figure may be combined with the athletics wordmark. The more formal institutional wordmark should not be used with these drawings. It is also permissable to use other fonts for the words Hamilton or Hamilton College. These drawings may be combined with additional text or graphics; for example, on a student organization poster announcing an event or on a club t-shirt.
The use of any Alex figure is intended for information and entertainment purposes to inspire spirit and fun, but the graphics may never be used in disrespectful or inappropriate ways. Permission is not granted to alter or attempt to re-create these drawings.
Varsity and club athletes may use these figures for items such as casual t-shirts, but these graphics are not permitted on any field of play (e.g. warm-up shirts, sports bags).
The "Alex" figure drawings are also available in an all black.
Color options
The color options for the Alex figure drawings are broader than color versions of the intitutional logo or the Alexander Hamilton mark. The buff and blue OR the black and white versions may be placed on any color background; the only exception is with the color blue — please use blue backgrounds that fall in the range between PMS 287 blue and royal blue. The drawing should always be used in the spirit which appropriately represents the College.

The marks that comprise our graphic identity are trademarked and their use must comply with the standards set forth in this style guide. Always use official graphics files; permission is not granted to alter any of the graphics.