
The Peer Advocate Program, sponsored by Hamilton SAVES (Sexual Assault Violence Education and Support), informs and empowers Hamilton students to be an informed resource for their peers who may have experienced sexual misconduct.

Peer advocates are fellow Hamilton students that offer support and information to survivors. Advocates are trained to inform students about the Hamilton Sexual Misconduct Policy, on and off campus resources available to sexual misconduct survivors, and the best ways to help a friend in need. They have also been provided with strategies to emotionally support survivors of sexual assault and harassment. Peer Advocates maintain the privacy of conversations, and are not required to report instances of sexual assault to the Title IX Coordinator.

To reach a Peer Advocate, email advocate@hamilton.edu. Someone will respond promptly.

If you are interested in becoming a peer advocate, email SAVES@hamilton.edu for more information. 


Interim Director of Title IX & Civil Rights Compliance

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