
COVID-19 Case Confirmed

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

Today the College was informed that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19. We are working with the Oneida County Health Department per its guidelines to trace the individual’s contacts with any faculty, staff, or students. Fortunately, those contacts were very limited, and we have already reached out directly to anyone who falls into the close contact category. In addition, Facilities Management, guided by OSHA standards, has been conducting enhanced cleaning protocols in all facilities that could be affected, and will continue to follow those standards.

For privacy reasons, we cannot share the identity or other information about the individual who has contracted the virus. I know, however, that all of you join me in wishing our colleague a speedy recovery.

This is the first known case of COVID-19 at Hamilton, and I recognize that this news will cause concern. I assure you that we are taking the necessary steps to mitigate the risks to our community and will do so for any future confirmed cases on campus. The College’s move to Minimal Operating Status, with nearly all faculty and staff working from home, facilitates these efforts.

Hamilton has been preparing for the likelihood that this global health crisis would eventually make its way to our campus. The Hamilton Emergency Response Team (HERT) was activated in late January and we subsequently formed a COVID-19 Task Force. The Task Force meets daily (via Zoom) to address priorities and plan future responses and recovery. You can find the latest information about how the College is responding to COVID-19 and future public health updates on our dedicated website.

As remote as we sometimes feel ourselves to be on the Hill, we are part of the broader community and share in its benefits and burdens. There are at least 28 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Oneida County, and New York State has become an epicenter of the pandemic. We can all do our part by continuing to practice social distancing and offering those afflicted with the virus whatever support we can.

Please continue to care for yourselves and your families and know that we will work through this together.


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Office of the President

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