
With Appreciation: Extended Holiday Closure

Tags Public Statements

Dear Colleagues,

The fall semester has gone well so far, but I know many of you are still managing additional responsibilities on campus, while worrying about the health and safety of family members at home. The coronavirus pandemic is never far from our minds, and unfortunately this does not seem likely to change soon.

I am extraordinarily grateful for the work you do to support our students and each other, and I do not take for granted the sacrifices you make to ensure that the College operates safely and smoothly. As an expression of Hamilton’s gratitude, I am adding an extra day to this year’s Thanksgiving break. Under the revised schedule, the College will close on Tuesday, Nov. 23, at 5 p.m. and reopen on Monday morning, Nov. 29. Wednesday will be paid under the College’s closure policy, and Thursday and Friday will follow the College’s holiday policy.

I know that some departments may need to maintain reduced staffing levels during this time, and divisional vice presidents will discuss how to manage that, but I’m hopeful as many of us as possible will have the opportunity to enjoy this extra day to relax and spend time with our families at the holiday. As always, thank you for all that you do for our students and the College.


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