
Vice President for Communications and Marketing

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

I am pleased that the following people have agreed to serve on the search committee for Hamilton’s next vice president for communications and marketing:

  • Rich Bernstein ’80, trustee
  • Mike Debraggio P’07, executive writer and director of community relations
  • Lori Dennison ’87, P’16, vice president for advancement
  • Eniman Imoke ’26, student
  • Deidre Pierson, associate director of athletics and associate professor of physical education
  • J.D. Ross, associate dean of admission and director of admission communication
  • Joe Shelley, vice president for libraries and information technology (chair)
  • Lisa Trivedi, Christian A. Johnson Excellence in Teaching Professor of History

Joe Shelley will chair the committee, which will work closely with Isaacson, Miller, an executive search firm with expertise in higher education that we have used successfully in a number of recent searches. I’m grateful to Joe and the other members of the committee for agreeing to serve, and I know they will welcome your input and suggestions throughout the search process.


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