
Thoughts After an Unsettled and Unsettling Election

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

Like many of you, I spent much of last night anxiously watching the election returns. This has been the most contentious election in my lifetime, and it has exposed deep rifts in American society. The anxiety we have felt in the weeks and months leading up to election day is compounded by the uncertainty we now face as we wait for the final outcome. I sympathize with the dismay and apprehension many in our community are experiencing.

As we wait for the official results, it’s important for all of us to remember that Hamilton is a community of diverse thought and affiliations. Whether you identify as a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, or something else, we are all members of the same academic community and seek the common good as we understand it. Even so, the days ahead are likely to be particularly painful for some members of our community, who will need our understanding and support.

There are many ways to process this extraordinary moment in our nation’s history. At some point, we must seek to understand why we are so divided as a country and how we might best move forward. At the same time, we have to recognize the emotional toll the election is taking, especially on the most vulnerable members of our community. For many, concerns over personal safety or dismay at the direction the country may be taking will feel overwhelming, especially in the midst of a pandemic.

It is incumbent on all of us to do what we can to support each other. I encourage those who need or want help to take advantage of the counseling and many other support resources available to both students and employees. An “Ask a Government Professor” session is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. today, and there are many Zoom drop-in opportunities and other processing circles hosted by the Dean of Students Office happening over the next two weeks.

Like all of you, I am waiting and wondering, unsure of when this election will get resolved and what the ultimate outcome might mean for the country and the world. As we wait, I take pride in knowing that the members of our community have been active and engaged citizens through HamVotes and other initiatives and have done what they can to shape the future. More importantly, I am grateful to be part of a close-knit community whose members care for and support one another in moments like this one.


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