
Supreme Court Decision

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, I am writing to affirm Hamilton’s continued commitment to supporting students’ health care choices. The Supreme Court’s decision does not restrict access to reproductive health products and services in New York State. At Hamilton, we will continue to offer STI testing, birth control and feminine care products, and pregnancy option counseling. We will also continue to provide free transportation to reproductive healthcare facilities in our area, including Planned Parenthood, to meet student needs that are beyond the scope of our Health Center practice. In addition, the Health Center is exploring the possibility of making Plan B available and should have a policy in place this fall.

Abortion is one of the most contentious issues in America and has been for more than half a century. Our goal is to continue to provide safe, confidential, and unbiased care for all of our students seeking health services and support. In addition, as an academic community, we should consider the history underlying the Court’s decision, its basis, and its implications for the future, and we will have opportunities to do so when we are back in session this fall.


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