
Hatred and Brutality Have No Place in Our Community or Our Country

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

Since students returned to campus for the fall semester, we have had two deplorable incidents of hateful slurs shouted from cars by non-Hamilton community members passing through our campus. These incidents were reported to Campus Safety and the local police, and in both instances, suspects were quickly identified and investigations are underway.

Racism and bigotry in all forms have no place on our campus, in our community, or in our country. The systemic racism that continues to manifest in violence against Black lives feels closer than ever, most recently with the unveiling of a video showing the March death of Daniel Prude in Rochester, N.Y., at the hands of police officers who pinned him to the ground with a hood over his head. Today, the City of Utica released a statement and a video showing that a Black man, Kerwin Taylor, was brutally beaten by a white officer while detained in the back of a police vehicle. The officer has been suspended without pay and the incident has been referred to the Oneida County District Attorney’s office for possible prosecution.

This incident may spark strong emotions with you as it did with me. Recognizing that gathering together can be helpful to many in our community, but that doing so is complicated during a pandemic, we will reach out to others across campus to discuss how to proceed. You will receive more information about a gathering shortly.


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