
COVID-19 and Campus Violence

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

I am writing to make you aware of several disturbing events that took place early Sunday morning. A large group of students gathered at the Babbitt Pavilion and on Minor Field, putting at risk the health and safety of everyone in the Hamilton community, and then ran away when confronted by three Campus Safety officers. Even more troubling, one or more students chose to throw a full beer can and a bottle at the responding officers. We are reviewing body cam footage in an effort to identify those responsible. There is no excuse for violence directed at any member of our community, and it will not be tolerated. Please contact Campus Safety if you have any information that can assist in investigating these incidents.

The College’s COVID-19 Task Force has been discussing ways in which we might relax our COVID-19 restrictions, but doing so is contingent on widespread compliance with our pandemic protocols. The blatant disregard for the safety of others shown Sunday morning calls that compliance into question.


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