
Showing articles tagged with Board Meeting Updates

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  • Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

    On Friday, Dec. 3, the Board of Trustees held its annual winter meeting in New York City in conjunction with the 1812 Leadership Circle Weekend. Attendees were grateful to have the meeting in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic, although some trustees joined via Zoom.

  • On Friday, Oct. 1, the Board of Trustees held its annual fall meeting via Zoom.

  • On Friday, June 11, the Board of Trustees held its annual summer meeting via Zoom. We expect to return to in-person meetings this fall.

  • The Board of Trustees held its annual March meeting via Zoom on Friday, March 5. As with the last two meetings, the agenda was significantly shorter than is typical when the board meets in person.

  • The Board of Trustees held its annual December meeting over Zoom on Friday, Dec. 4. The meeting agenda was significantly shorter than usual because of the format, and even our traditional 1812 Leadership Circle Weekend events migrated online this year.

  • I am writing to provide the campus with a summary of the quarterly Board of Trustees meeting that was held over Zoom on Friday, Oct. 2. The meeting was shorter than usual because of the Zoom format.

  • Over the weekend the Board of Trustees convened for its annual December meeting in New York City. We started the morning with a presentation by Sam Welch '86, associate vice president for constituent engagement, on the career-advising curriculum and industry-based programming that is heavily supported by successful alumni professionals. Margaret Gentry, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, and Tara McKee, professor of psychology and associate dean of students for academics, then presented an overview of the College’s developing initiative for advising and engaged learning, ALEX (Advise, Learn, and Experience). They explained how the integrated, team-based advising of ALEX will guide students on combining a broad liberal arts education with opportunities to complete research, immersive off-campus study, career-exploration, and community-engaged learning.

  • I write to report on the quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees and to express gratitude to all who helped make Fallcoming and Family Weekend such a success. More than 1,600 alumni, parents, and trustees were in Clinton for the weekend. I especially want to thank our colleagues in Advancement and Facilities Management who planned and executed dozens of events, and those members of the faculty who welcomed visitors into their classes and prepared our students for presentations and performances.

  • During what may have been the best weather weekend of the spring, Hamilton’s Board of Trustees met on campus June 7-8 for its quarterly meeting. Trustees heard progress reports on the Because Hamilton campaign, the Class of 2023, experiential learning and advising, and studies undertaken to assess and improve the College’s residential experience for students. Board members also participated in committee sessions on trustee governance, budget planning, and buildings, grounds, and equipment.

  • The Board of Trustees met Friday, November 30 in New York City in conjunction with the 21st Annual 1812 Leadership Circle Weekend and the Because Hamilton Campaign launch. More than 1000 alumni, parents, and friends of the College participated in the weekend's events, which included social gatherings, seminars, and the Because Hamilton Dance Party with Trustee David Solomon performing as DJ DSol. Photos and videos of the events, including our mascot Alex dancing up a storm, can be found on the Because Hamilton website. 

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