The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.

The Start of a New Semester

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

The campus has been quiet since final exams ended on December 16, although several dozen students remained in Clinton during the break, and many more returned early to practice and compete with our winter sports teams or to prepare for the arrival of our new Jan students. A special welcome to those joining us for the first time this month.

Some campus offices remained busy throughout the break. Staff in the Advancement Office were processing year-end gifts for the Because Hamilton capital campaign, which has now raised $381 million toward our $400 million goal. Admission Office staff members have also been busy processing and reviewing more than 9,600 applications for the Class of 2027, representing the second highest total on record. Facilities Management and Campus Safety kept the campus functioning safely during some challenging weather events, and Bon Appetit provided meals to our students throughout the break. We also had 31 students participate in a two-week geoscience field course in Arizona earlier this month, and New York Senators Schumer and Gillibrand announced on Friday that Hamilton would receive $210,000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities. My thanks to everyone who pitched in to support our students and to keep things running smoothly.

As the semester begins, I call your attention to several programs in the next few weeks. The annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. dinner will take place on Friday, Feb. 3, and include a keynote address by Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Sean Bennett. The traditional MLK Day of Service is scheduled the following day. All are welcome at both events, which help kick-off Hamilton’s observance of Black History Month.

In addition to its regular Late Nite series on Friday nights, the Student Activities Office has added programming on Friday nights in the Little Pub and another new series, “After Dark,” on Saturday evenings in the Annex. An international film festival is also in the works for the first weekend in February, and the annual FebFest celebration is scheduled for February 12th to the 26th, with or without snow.

Best wishes for a productive and rewarding semester.


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