The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.

Summer 2021 Update: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Hamilton

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Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

Last month, I summarized for you some of the significant work we accomplished together to address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Hamilton, and I highlighted the proposals from the Advisory Council to make the College a more inclusive and equitable community. We are continuing to work on those proposals, including the recommendation that Hamilton establish a full-time chief diversity officer position, reporting to the president.

Hamilton has retained Storbeck Search, a highly regarded national firm with expertise in identifying well-qualified candidates for these types of positions. A position description is being developed and an internal search committee composed of students, faculty, and staff will be assembled soon with Storbeck’s assistance. Once finalists for the position are selected, they will come to campus, COVID permitting, and will meet with community representatives outside of the search committee.

We are also planning to survey students about the campus climate this fall, as part of the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates (NACCC) coordinated by the Liberal Arts College Racial Equity Leadership Alliance, of which Hamilton is a member. The data we collect will assist the new diversity officer and senior staff, and help inform the development of a Diversity Strategic Plan. Instructions for completing the survey will be shared with students in the coming months. Similar surveys are planned for faculty and staff over the following two years. In addition, students should look for notices about training for peer-facilitated critical conversations around challenging issues.

We will continue this fall with our AHA! (Autonomous Hamilton Affinity) Group programming. A number of these faculty-led programs funded in 2020-21 focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion, including: “Social Sciences Critical Race Pedagogy”; “STEM Experiential and Active Learning (SEAL)”; and “Race, Pedagogy, and Building an Antiracist Institution,” which will receive funding again in 2021-22. Another proposal with topics pertaining to diversity, “Research, Advising, and other Valiant Endeavors,” which is a revision of the STEM program from a year ago, was also renewed. AHA! discussions that are open to the wider community will be promoted through Hamilton Academy.

I’m also pleased to announce that Hamilton has received preliminary funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to develop pedagogy for enhancing completion rates for underrepresented students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Inclusive Excellence in STEM is an HHMI program geared toward assisting ethnic minorities and first-generation students to persist in all STEM fields. The program also seeks to enhance persistence rates among women in some STEM fields.

Finally, I am happy to report that next month we will welcome the most diverse class in Hamilton’s history. The class of 2025 will set new records in the percentages of U.S. students of color, students who are the first in their families to attend college, and Pell-eligible students.

I look forward to seeing everyone on campus and to working together to make further progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion at Hamilton.


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