The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.

College Update

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

I can’t tell you how appreciative I am for a more typical and enjoyable semester after several years of pandemic-imposed restrictions. It’s gratifying to be able to come together to share in the successes of our fall sports teams; witness the talents of our students at poster sessions, concerts, and theatre productions; and hear from guest lecturers and visiting artists.

While campus life is on its way to the vibrancy of the past, this may nonetheless be an unsettling time for many. From academics to politics, we have a lot on our minds. On Halloween, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases that will likely decide the future of affirmative action in higher education. Just over a week later, the midterm elections will determine who controls Congress at a time when the two major parties disagree on almost every important issue, from inflation to climate change.

There is a limit to what we can do to influence these events, but we can make our voices heard. Earlier this year, Hamilton joined a group of peer colleges in filing an amicus brief with the Supreme Court, urging it to preserve existing law on affirmative action and highlighting the educational benefits of a diverse community. We are preparing for the possibility of legally mandated changes to our admission practices, but whatever the Court decides, we will continue to value and strive within the law for a diverse and inclusive community as one of our top priorities at Hamilton. Given the importance of this issue, I will have more to say when the Court issues its decision.

If you are eligible, I hope you will join me in voting in November. You may check with HamVotes on Instagram or contact the Dean of Students Office if you need help finding information about how to vote in person here in New York State or by absentee ballot in your district. There are many other ways, on campus and off, to participate. Hamilton’s Student Assembly, for example, will host on November 16 its election for president and vice president to serve during the 2023 calendar year.

Even as we enjoy a more normal semester, health experts are predicting a severe flu season and COVID-19 cases are increasing in some parts of the country. Please take reasonable precautions to protect yourself and one another by getting vaccinated against the flu as soon as possible and ensuring that you are fully up to date with your COVID boosters.

Despite the pandemic and the volatility of the stock market, the Because Hamilton capital campaign has received gifts and pledges totaling $372 million as of June 30, 2022, which is 93% toward our $400 million goal. The campaign closes next June, and the final months of any fundraising effort are always the most challenging, so I will be traveling more frequently to meet with donors and make the case for supporting Hamilton. The impact of this philanthropy is already evident in the form of new endowments for professorships and financial aid and support for our digital initiatives and the ALEX program, among other priorities.

We are fortunate to study and work on a beautiful campus with talented and caring people, supported by the generosity of those who believe in the College’s mission.

Please continue to share your thoughts and ideas about Hamilton when we encounter one another on campus. Best wishes for a successful second half of the semester.


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