The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.

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  • In my March 18 note to the campus, I expressed gratitude to the Advisory Council for its thoughtful and far-reaching proposals to address diversity, equity, and inclusion at Hamilton. The Council devoted a great deal of time and energy to developing those proposals, and Hamilton will be a stronger institution as a result. It now falls to all of us to carry that work forward. As promised in my earlier message, I am detailing in this document responses to each of the Council’s proposals, with a specific individual or individuals assigned to take the lead on implementation. In the months ahead, we will determine how best to measure and track our response, and will share our progress with the community on the College’s DEI website.

  • Earlier this week the Advisory Council submitted its final proposals for addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion at Hamilton. I am grateful to the council members for the many hours they invested in this important work for the College and its future. Their proposals are thoughtful and far-reaching.

  • On Tuesday, a gunman killed eight people in Atlanta, six of them Asian American. While the motivation for this terrible crime is still being investigated, it comes in the wake of an appalling series of attacks on Asian Americans around the country. Incidents involving anti-Asian bias have accelerated since the start of the pandemic, driven in part by false claims about its origins. In the last year alone, thousands of such incidents, including violent assaults, verbal abuse, employment discrimination, and online bullying, have been reported across the United States. What these incidents have in common, apart from the ignorance and intolerance of those responsible, is that they violate the most basic values of our community and contribute to a climate of fear and anxiety for those who identify as Asian.

  • Exactly one year ago, I shared the heartbreaking news that Hamilton would suspend in-person instruction for the remainder of the spring semester. At the time, we had no known cases of COVID-19 on campus and only one confirmed case in Oneida County. None of us knew what to expect or how fast the virus would spread, so I urged us to “have faith in each other to meet whatever comes next.” We did and we have.

  • With Hamilton now operating in COVID Normal (Green) status, we are developing plans to resume some long-awaited co-curricular activities.

  • Earlier today, I sent the message below to the Class of 2021. I know you share the disappointment I expressed to our seniors on behalf of the College. The circumstances that make it impossible to plan a traditional commencement for our seniors also forced us to delay again the in-person ceremony for the Class of 2020. That event, which had been rescheduled for June 6, will be postponed a second time until it is safe and appropriate to bring the class back together.

  • Next Wednesday, March 3, is the first of two Wellness Days for the semester. Classes and team practices will not be held, and Dean Suzanne Keen sent a note last week encouraging faculty members not to assign work that day or have assignments due the following day. I hope student organizations, too, will take full advantage of our first Wellness Day by not scheduling meetings or holding other organized activities.

  • Last week the Spectator printed my letter reminding new and continuing students of the different channels available to offer ideas, suggestions, and feedback. These opportunities extend to faculty and staff as well, who are always welcome to email me at dwippman@hamilton.edu or set up an appointment by contacting Jacke Jones at jrjones@hamilton.edu.

  • Welcome back, and a special welcome to the first-year and transfer students who are joining us for the first time.

  • Today marks the 35th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday. Recent events show we have a long way to go to achieve the just and equitable society Dr. King envisioned.

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