New World Nature Project CollageStudent researchers for the Levitt Center’s New World Nature project examined the relationships between natural things and their environments to reconstruct how early moderns learned from the nature in which they lived at the dawn of the biological disciplines. Students conducted original research in the history of science in Canada, the Dominican Republic, France, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the United States.

Project Title New World Nature
Description New World Nature student researchers examined the relationships between natural things and their environments to reconstruct how early moderns learned from the nature in which they lived at the dawn of the biological disciplines. Students conducted original research in the history of science in Canada, the Dominican Republic, France, Puerto Rico, Spain, and the United States.
Deliverables Database
Interactive Map
Research Papers
Date Summer 2019

Students Thomas Anderson, '21
Antton De Arbeloa, '21
Elizabeth Atherton, ’22
Kate Biedermann, ’22
Kayla Self, ’21
Faculty Mackenzie Cooley, Assistant Professor of History
Lead Collaborators Christian Goodwille, Director and Curator of Special Collections and Archives
Lisa McFall, Associate Director, Digital Initiatives and Technology
Janet Simons, Director, Digital Humanities Initiative
Steve Young, Unix/HPC System Administrator
Departments and Offices History
Levitt Public Affairs Center
Library and Information Technology Services

Mindsets Analytic Thinking
Expressive Thinking
Capabilities Digital Curation
Graphic Design and Visualization
Tools VIKUS Viewer
Learning Levels Engage
Hamilton Educational Goals Communication and Expression
Disciplinary Practice

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