Virtual Reality Music ConductingProfessor of Music Heather Buchman worked with members of the LITS Research and Instructional Design Team to create an immersive 3D 8k 360 video from the point of view of the podium so students could practice performing Brahms Symphony No. 3 in a fully immersive virtual reality experience. Their actual live performance was also recorded from the student’s point of view in 360 to allow for an immersive opportunity for assessment in virtual reality.

Project Title Conducting in Virtual Reality
Description Professor of Music Heather Buchman worked with members of the LITS R&ID Team to create an immersive 3D 8k 360 video from the point of view of the podium so students could practice performing Brahms Symphony No. 3 in a fully immersive virtual reality experience. Their actual live performance was also be recorded from the student’s point of view in 360 to allow for an immersive opportunity for assessment in virtual reality.
Deliverables Virtual Environment
Related Course MUSIC 316
Date Spring 2019

Professor Heather Buchman
Professor of Music
Principal Collaborators Ben Salzman
Instructional Designer, Digital Media and 3D Technology Specialist
Alex Wohnsen
Research Librarian for Teaching & Learning Initiatives
Departments and Offices Music
Library and Information Technology Services

Mindsets Expressive Thinking
Capabilities Extended Reality (XR)
Graphic Design and Visualization
Tools Unity
Oculus Rift
HTC Vive
Learning Levels Engage
Hamilton Educational Goals Creativity
Communication and Expression

  • McMurtrie, Beth. "Virtual Reality comes to the Classroom." Chronicle of Higher Education. May 27, 2019. view article
  • "Virtual Reality Orchestra Conducting.”Campus of the Future XR Research Project. Hamilton College. 2018. view post

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