first year course confLITS class sessions for first year courses help students gain a fundamental understanding of the research process, source evaluation, and proper citation while exploring both general and discipline-specific library resources in a digital environment.

Course Title First Year Courses
Description LITS class sessions for first year courses help students gain a fundamental understanding of the research process, source evaluation, and proper citation while exploring both general and discipline-specific library resources in a digital environment.
Assignments Annotated Bibliographies
In-Class Debates
Large Format Posters
Research Papers
Date Fall 2014-present

Faculty First Year Course Faculty
Principal Collaborators Alex Wohnsen
Research Librarian for Teaching & Learning Initiatives
Departments and Offices Archaeology
Literature & Creative Writing
Women's & Gender Studies
Library and Information Technology Services
Other Contributors LITS Digital Media Tutors
LITS Research Tutors

Mindsets Analytic Thinking
Expressive Thinking
Capabilities Graphic Design and Visualization
Information Literacy
Tools Bibliographic Databases
Hamilton Library Catalog
Learning Levels Encounter, Engage
Hamilton Educational Goals Analytic Discernment
Communication & Expression

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