emBODY Screenshot Created a cPanel in Library & Information Technology Services’ Domain of One’s Own to host the emBODY program. The program will be used to facilitate the collection of data for faculty and student research projects. It offers a visual interface that allows participants to record how emotions are felt throughout their body.

Project Title  emBODY
Description Created a cPanel in Library & Information Technology Services’ Domain of One’s Own to host the emBODY program. The program will be used to facilitate the collection of data for faculty and student research projects. It offers a visual interface that allows participants to record how emotions are felt throughout their body.

More information can be found at: Nummenmaa L., Glerean E., Hari R., Hietanen, J.K. (2014) Bodily maps of emotions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America doi:10.1073/pnas.1321664111 (
Deliverables Digital Archive & Website
Date 2023

Project Lead Kelly Faig, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Lisa McFall, LITS
Shay Foley, LITS
Douglas Higgins, LITS
Taylor McDowell, LITS
Sara Mohr, LITS

Students Not applicable
Departments and Offices Psychology
Library & Information Technology Services

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