Nannas Genome classNatalie Nannas, Assistant Professor of Biology, used 3D printing to design and create a 5-foot-long, flexible DNA model to demonstrate complex course topics related to DNA, RNA and CRISPR. The model was used in multiple courses including "Explorations in Biology: Genetic Engineering" (BIO 100) and "Genes and Genomes" (BIO 242). 


Project Title DNA in Three Dimensions
Description Professor Natalie Nannas used 3D printing to design and create a 5-foot-long flexible DNA model to demonstrate complex course topics related to DNA, RNA, and CRISPR.
Deliverables Large-scale, flexible DNA model
Related Courses BIO 100, BIO 242
Date Fall 2019

Professor Natalie Nannas
Assistant Professor of Biology
Principal Collaborators Doug Higgins
Instructional Designer
Departments and Offices Biology
Library and Information Technology Services

Mindsets Expressive Thinking
Capabilities 3D Modeling
Tools Tinkercad
Ultimaker 2 Printer
Learning Levels Encounter

  • "DNA in 3D." LITS News and Updates. August 5, 2019. view article
  • McMurtrie, Beth. "Virtual Reality comes to the Classroom." Chronicle of Higher Education. May 27, 2019. view article

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