Washington Students at State Department Conference
Washington Students at State Department Conference
Hamilton students in the Program in Washington were invited to participate in a conference titled “Realizing a World Without Nuclear Weapons” on March 30. The conference was held in the new George C. Marshall Conference Center at the State Department and brought together several key Department of State assistant secretaries dealing with disarmament, private experts, non-governmental representatives of interested organizations and college graduate and undergraduate students and faculty.

According to Ned Walker, the Christian A. Johnson Distinguished Professor of Global Political Theory and director of the Program in Washington, “Hamilton students were well informed and active participants and, at times, dominated the dialogue with pertinent questions and observations. It is a real testimony to Hamilton that our students are as well-informed about world politics - even the arcane details of non-proliferation - and are strong public speakers who were unintimidated by the high-level government and non-governmental participants.”

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