In the relay, Team Gross (Lilliana Gross ’23, Luke Hayes ’25, Jacob Shulman ’26) clocked in with the winning time among co-ed teams at 57:56; Team Bulawka (Max Bulawka ’26, Alex Danis ’26, Jackson Krock ’26) took the men’s relay with a time of 59:52, and Team Holden (Maura Holden ’23, Caroline Dawson ’24) took the win for the women at 1:07:56.
The annual event saw 47 teams and 59 individuals competing on a day that featured muddy conditions but lots of sun. Participants swam 21 lengths in the Bristol Pool, biked nine miles (two times around the Griffin Road loop), and ran 5 kilometers of the cross-country course.
To increase participation, a new division — Spin — was added this year. Steph Kowell, HamTrek organizer and assistant athletics director for fitness and recreation, noted that because it can be difficult for some participants to find a bike to use for the road-biking portion of the event, they had the option to elect a stationary spin bike. “In order to incentivize effort and make consistent comparisons across those using the spin bike, [competitors] had to complete a 30-minute time-trial on the spin bike. Their ‘score’ was the distance covered in miles, measured to the .1 mile,” Kowell said.
Spin winners were John Jee ’24 (men’s); Marissa Duffy ’26 (women’s), Women’s relay Team Kaplan (Claire Kaplan ’23, Sara Roth ’25, Allie Reed ’23); Men’s relay Team Thompson (Sean Thompson ’23, Nick Hawkins ’23, Fred Allaire ’23); and co-ed relay Team DiGiacomo (Emma DiGiacomo ’25, Zach Yasinov ’26, Madison Goodman-Leong ’25).