Wippman also recognized employees celebrating 20 and 10 years of service at Hamilton. Last year’s winners were announced at a virtual staff assembly meeting.
Tobin Awards went to Korey Kopytowski, custodian, Facilities Management; Mary Ann Atkinson P ’02, associate director of Financial Aid, who received the honor in the administrator category; and Joan Kane, academic office assistant for the Government and Economics Departments, who was recognized in the staff category. Director of Campus Safety Frank Coots received the Wertimer-Couper Award.
The Tobin Employee Awards were instituted in 2006 to annually recognize one representative from each of the College’s three non-faculty groups of employees: administrators, staff members, and facilities management workers. Monetary awards are made each year from an employee-generated fund established in 2003 to honor Gene Tobin, Hamilton College’s 18th president, and his wife Beverly. The fund recognizes the couple’s 23 years of service to the Hamilton community.
Award criteria include making significant improvements in College services; showing innovation, imagination or creativity on the job; taking significant interest in and participating in College activities; demonstrating job performance that consistently exceeds expectations; and exemplifying integrity and dedication to the College mission and goals.
Coots received the Wertimer-Couper Award, which “recognizes a member of the community who embodies the spirit of generosity, loyalty, and fidelity exemplified by Ellie Wertimer and Patsy Couper.”