Eight Hamilton students have received grants from the Academic Council to pursue research in upcoming projects. The recipients of grants from the Steven Daniel Smallen Memorial Fund are Mark Ducommun '10, Charlie Kaplan '11, Rachel Richardson '09, Katie Naughton '08, Casey Bloomquist '10, James Head '08 and Sandra Chiu '08. The Fund aims to encourage student creativity among Hamilton students by providing funds for projects displaying originality, expressiveness and imagination. David and Ann Smallen established the fund in 1993 in memory of their son, Steven. Smallen studied at Hamilton for a year while receiving treatment for leukemia, before losing his battle with cancer in 1992.

Sarah Moore '09, Katie Naughton and Rachel Richardson and have also been selected as recipients of the Class of 1979 Student Travel Award. The award, established by the alumni of Hamilton's Class of 1979, allows Hamilton students to pursue academic endeavors that would not be possible without additional financial assistance.

The topics of the students' projects are:
• Mark Ducommun and Charlie Kaplan will use the award to assist in their explorations in a professional recording project.
• Rachel Richardson and Katie Naughton will collaborate on Literary Landscapes, Unison and State: A Multi-Genre Interstate Narrative, in which the two will travel across the country writing their own travelogue.
• Casey Bloomquist will work on Exploring the Reality of the Border Conflict Through the Visual Image, a project that he will research by spending one month traveling along the Mexican-American border creating a photographic representation of the border struggle.
• James Head and his band, Headband, will use the award to assist in the production of a professional demo CD.
• Sandra Chiu will bring a student-collaborated mural to campus in her project, Community Mural Project: Bringing Art from Dark to Light. 

Sarah Moore, also a recipient of the Student Travel Award, will use her award to travel to Sierra Leone to attend the 2008 Youth Summit hosted by the Global Youth Partnership for Africa (GYPA). GYPA provides a platform for youth within North American and Africa to gain cross-cultural insight, hone leadership, advocacy and diplomacy skills.

-- by Danielle Raulli '10

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