U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand introduced a resolution in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, May 24, to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Hamilton College. The senators proposed a measure to celebrate the college’s “sustained commitment to its charter two centuries ago.” They recognized the alumni, faculty and students of Hamilton for “helping the United States to grow as a diplomatic and industrial world power,” according to the senators’ statement. The college received its charter from the Regents of the University of the State of New York on May 26, 1812.
“Over the course of 200 years, Hamilton College has stood as a beacon of higher education in the center of New York State,” said Schumer. “I am honored to commemorate the bicentennial of Hamilton’s charter, and to recognize the bright future of a school that has provided our country with thoughtful leaders and public servants at all levels of government. Today, I stand with Sen. Gillibrand to celebrate Hamilton’s steadfast example of excellence in education. Hamilton’s success illustrates why the United States is the best place in the world to go to college. Hamilton has helped New York State lead the charge in innovative higher education.”
“For two centuries, Hamilton College has firmly established its place as one of New York and America’s leading universities,” Senator Gillibrand said. “Whether it’s discovering the next major scientific breakthrough, or producing leaders in business, and strong, dedicated public servants, Hamilton College is providing students with a powerful education, equipping them with knowledge and skills that can take them anywhere, and lead our country forward.”
In the measure, Schumer and Gillibrand highlight that Hamilton College was founded in 1793, three months before construction of the U.S. Capitol building commenced. That summer, Reverend Samuel Kirkland founded Hamilton-Oneida Academy as a seminary for European-American and Oneida Indian boys as part of his missionary work. Rev. Kirkland named the school after Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, who served on the board of trustees.
Schumer and Gillibrand lauded the all-male Hamilton College’s merger with the all-female Kirkland College in 1978. Both New York senators wrote in their commemoration that Hamilton expanded as “one coeducational institution of higher learning dedicated to academic freedom and the unfettered pursuit of truth.”
On Tuesday, May 22, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand recognized the college’s bicentennial with a resolution read into the Congressional Record honoring the college.
Commemorating the 200th anniversary of the chartering of Hamilton College in Clinton, New York.
Whereas Hamilton College received its charter from the Regents of the University of the State of New York on May 26, 1812, “for the instruction and education of youth, in the learned languages and liberal arts and Sciences”;
Whereas the College was originally founded in 1793 as the Hamilton-Oneida Academy by the Reverend Samuel Kirkland, missionary to the Oneida Indians;
Whereas all-male Hamilton College joined with all-female Kirkland College in 1978 to form one coeducational institution of higher learning dedicated to academic freedom and the unfettered pursuit of truth;
Whereas the distinguished alumni of Hamilton College include recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Pulitzer Prize and public servants at every level, among them a former Vice President of the United States, U.S. Senators and Representatives, U.S. district and appellate court justices, cabinet members, ambassadors, governors and state, county and local officials;
Whereas Hamilton College is today comprised of 1,812 students from 49 states and 37 countries, and a faculty dedicated to teaching and the discovery and advancement of new knowledge;
Resolved, that the Senate –
(1) Commemorates the bicentennial of the founding of Hamilton College in Clinton, New York; and
(2) Honors the outstanding contributions made by the alumni, faculty and students of Hamilton College throughout the past 200 years, including service to the United States that has fostered its development as a diplomatic force and industrial power in the world.