At the invitation of the Sinai and Synapses organization and Temple Bnai Or in Morristown, N.J., Professor of Religious Studies Heidi Ravven was recently the scholar-in-residence for a weekend of lectures and discussions on science and Judaism. The event was the culmination of the Sinai and Synapses yearlong project at the temple, “Scientists in Synagogues: What is a Human?”
Ravven presented three talks, “Reflections of an American Jewish Pilgrim,” “Maimonides on the Garden of Eden,” and “Becoming at Home in the Universe as Well as in Our Own Skin: Insights from Spinoza and the New Brain Sciences.”
According to its website, “Sinai and Synapses offers people a worldview that is both scientifically grounded and spiritually uplifting.”
“Scientists in Synagogues,” funded by The John Templeton Foundation and other donors, was run in consultation with Dialogue on Science, Ethics and Religion, a program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.