Sasha Kaye ’05 is co-creator, executive producer and one of the stars in the new web series, “Precious Cargo.” The series follows the lives of two sisters, Lisa and Sandy, and their adventures as tutors of wealthy children in New York City. Seven episodes of the series are set to start airing weekly on June 13.
A recent press release by Broadway World summarized, “The series centers on Lisa (Singerman), a fiercely goal-oriented, Type-A aspiring actor who risks her own reputation at her 'day job' to help her free-spirited sister, Sandy (Kaye), secure work at an elite tutoring company - Tomorrow's Child of the Future. Lisa is surprised to find that the usually unreliable Sandy is suddenly in high demand for her playful and creative teaching methods. Sandy's rising popularity puts Lisa's job in jeopardy and adds yet another layer of competition between the siblings."
Kaye, who majored in theatre during her time at Hamilton, participated in student organizations such as Bobby Peru, Hamilton's comedy troupe, and United@Large. After graduating, she received the Master of Fine Arts degree at Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University in 2009.
The press release also noted, “Sasha is also co-creator, writer, and star of the 2012 web series 'Waiting on Others.' She is currently a producer on season three of the hit show 'Ink Master: Redemption' (Spike TV)."