Ryan Serhant '06, along with Fredrik Eklund and Michael Lorber, will star in Bravo's upcoming series Million Dollar Listing New York. The show will follow the three realtors as they close multi-million dollar deals on luxury properties in New York City and "give viewers an inside look into the aggressive, high-stakes world of New York City's real estate market."
The series premiere is Mar. 7 at 10/9c. Find more information and watch the trailer at http://www.bravotv.com/million-dollar-listing-new-york.
Serhant is SVP, managing director for Nest Seekers International and is currently ranked the #16 broker in Manhattan by The Real Deal magazine. He sold $102 million in real estate his first two years in the business and became one of the youngest sales managers in history.
At Hamilton, Serhant majored in theatre and English literature and was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Before joining Nest Seekers International, he briefly appeared on the soap opera As the World Turns.