Through the generosity of alumni, parents and friends, total dollars contributed to the Annual Fund in 2016-17 exceeded $7.1 million, topping all past records, and total fundraising was the fourth strongest in Hamilton’s history. The College raised just under $30 million overall, including a lead gift for the new health and counseling center.
Total Gifts: $7,134,968
Alumni Donors: 7,938 (44%)
Parent Donors: 1,082
“Every gift enriches the educational experience of our students,” said Vice President of Advancement Lori Dennison. “Each one builds on the one before, and the impact grows to support the academic programs, athletics, extracurricular activities and need-blind admission, all allowing Hamilton to fulfill its mission.”
Alumni, parents and other friends of Hamilton contributed a record $7,134,968 to the College through the 2016-17 Annual Fund. Nearly three-quarters of the total derived from 1812 Leadership Circle gifts of $2,500 and more.
Participation by 7,938 alumni was 44 percent, joined by 1,082 current and past parent donors. One of every two alumni celebrating a reunion contributed.
GOLD classes, Graduates Of the Last Decade, gave a record $180,143 reflecting a 23 percent increase over the previous year.
The Class of 2017 achieved 94.2 percent participation for its Senior Gift, which established a $52,000 endowment to support programming in the College’s new health and counseling center.
Annual Fund Chair Julie Ross ’84; Vice Chair Jim Hacker ’81, P’19,’20; and Trustee Development Chair Aron Ain ’79, P’09,’11 led fund-raising efforts, which included outreach by 769 alumni and parent volunteers.
Total giving to Hamilton – gifts for the endowment and building projects as well as the Annual Fund – was $29,385,424, and included 17 estate gifts valued at $8,645,126.