Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Seth Schermerhorn published a chapter in Indigenous Religions, edited by Graham Harvey of the Open University, U.K., and Amy Whitehead of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, U.K. The book is part of Routledge's Critical Concepts in Religious Studies series.
The chapter, “O’odham Songscapes: Journeys to Magdalena Remembered in Song,” examines an O’odham song series mapping a route to Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico. The songs themselves are also regarded by many O’odham as historical documents. The chapter privileges indigenous knowledge by demonstrating how songs may be understood as maps and historical documents.
Schermerhorn previously published the chapter in 2016 as an article in the Journal of the Southwest. He noted that the article was on the journal’s “most frequently downloaded” articles list for October 2016 and has reappeared on the list twice since then.
According to the Routledge website, “Indigenous Religions brings together significant journal articles from the last 15 years to provoke further discussion and to underpin improved teaching and up-to-date research...This Collection is intended to provide an unrivaled resource for future developments in the disciplines that touch on Indigenous religions and current issues as they unfold in the 21st century."