Alan Cafruny

An essay co-authored by Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Chair of International Affairs and Professor of Government, was recently published in an edited volume from Routledge titled Transnational Capital and Class Fractions. Bob Jessop and Henk Overbeek edited the book.

“Alternative Perspectives on European Integration,” written with Magnus Ryner of King’s College London, appears in a section on “Critical commentaries.”

Cafruny noted that he and Ryner have co-authored numerous books and articles during the past two decades.

He said that in their writing, they “have emphasized ‘combined and uneven development’ as a destabilizing force within Europe. Within the EU, German big business has acquired geo-economic primacy, seen in its virtual monopoly of decision-making power over the Eurozone and the primacy of its manufacturing base, reinforced by the long reach of production chains throughout the EU.

“Yet Germany appears incapable of forging an autonomous, hegemonic bloc that can resolve the growing crisis of European neoliberalism,” Cafruny noted.

Cafruny also published “The European Crisis and the Left” in A World Turned Upside Down? Socialist Register 2019, edited by Leo Panitch and Greg Albo.

The essay presents an assessment of the prospects for the European Left and the future of the European Union amid the growth of right-wing populism and authoritarianism, Brexit, and the rise of German economic power.

A World Turned Upside Down? was published by Merlin Press (London) and Monthly Review Press (New York).

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