Martin Walls
Martin Walls
Martin Walls, a poet and author of three books of poems, will give a poetry reading at Hamilton on Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 8 p.m., in the Red Pit (KJ 127). The event, sponsored by the Dean of Faculty and hosted by the English Department, is free and open to the public.

Walls, a native of Brighton, England, has published his work in such magazines as FIELD, The Nation, Commonweal, The Gettysburg Review, and the Beloit Poetry Journal, among other publications. He received the “Discovery” Award from The Nation, a Breadloaf Writers' Conference scholarship, and is also a Witter Bynner Poetry Fellow of the Library of Congress. Walls’ most recent book of poems is The Solvay Process (2009). He is communications manager of the Syracuse Center of Excellence as well as the manager of the Syracuse University Office of Community Engagement and Economic Development.

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