
The Hamilton College men's basketball team will host their Suits and Sneakers awareness event on Saturday, Jan. 30, when Middlebury College visits Margaret Bundy Scott Field House for a NESCAC game at 3 p.m.

According to the National Association of Basketball Coaches website, the 2016 Coaches vs. Cancer Suits and Sneakers Awareness Week is being held from Jan. 25 to Jan. 31. Suits and Sneakers is a national Coaches vs. Cancer event designed to raise awareness about the fight against cancer and for the American Cancer Society. The event encourages member coaches and their coaching staffs to wear sneakers with their suits at games to show support for the Coaches vs. Cancer program.

By wearing sneakers, participating coaches help raise awareness about cancer and the importance that nutrition and physical activity play in reducing one's risk of the disease. Additionally, this week helps promote the American Cancer Society as a place for people facing cancer to turn for free information, day-to-day help and emotional support.

For more information about Suits and Sneakers Awareness Week, Coaches vs. Cancer and the American Cancer Society, please click here.

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