Katie Plummer '08
Katie Plummer '08
Kathryn Plummer '08 is well into her third summer as an intern, and she admits that she likes this one best. Plummer, a government major, has previously worked in a senatorial office, a psychology research lab, a law firm, and a press. This summer she is at Arnold Worldwide's Boston office as a brand promotions intern.

Plummer was one of more than 20 Hamiltonians who received college funding to participate in a summer internship. Work experience is becoming more and more necessary for college students but many opportunities are unpaid and require students to pay their own housing and living expenses as well as working for free.

Thanks to alumni and parent donations, Hamilton students can apply for funding to support them while they work in a field of interest with an organization that cannot pay them. Though Plummer works in an unpaid internship, she received a stipend from the Class of 2006. Plummer is the first to be awarded this grant, established as the senior gift under the leadership of Class of 2006 Senior Gift Chairs Zoe Baldwin and Katrina Fredlund.

Arnold Worldwide is an advertising company based in Boston; Plummer works with two account supervisors in the brand promotions department. "Brand Promotions works with account management and helps promote and publicize the brand," Plummer explained. She works partly as an assistant to her two supervisors, a job which allows her to experience a great deal of the business. Plummer has attended meetings and brainstorming sessions, taken minutes, done brand research and helped plan events.

Her supervisors (and Plummer herself) focus on an account with Tyson foods which, Plummer explained, is an interesting account because Tyson has recently become a sponsor of the Olympics and is now partnered with US Gymnastics and US Track and Field. Plummer has helped organize a number of Tyson events and the post-event client presentations.

She also works on a project that Arnold designed for their interns, in which the students divide into groups and work on their own ad campaign. Plummer's client is Astrive Loans, a student loan service. Although "it has been very hard to come up with new and innovative things" about the client, Plummer welcomes the chance to think outside the box. "This project is a great addition to the internship because it allows interns to get a first hand experience with the advertising process," she explained.

Plummer is very happy at Arnold; she enjoys being surrounded by young, dynamic employees and interns and that her job is fulfilling; "I feel that what I am doing is meaningful and not just tedious tasks…I have finally found something that I really enjoy doing."

Plummer commutes to Boston from her home in Cumberland, R.I., and is happy with her transition into post-college life. The rising senior is active at Hamilton as class representative for the Class of 2008 and the vice president of Alpha Theta Chi sorority. She is also committed to community service and has started a campus chapter of Keep a Child Alive, a national organization that raises money to purchase AIDS medicine for children in Africa. After graduation, she will enter the professional world with eventual plans for law school. 

-- by Lisbeth Redfield

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