BSS News Bites ranks, Arrow Financial Corporation’s Financial Director, John J. Carusone ’63, in the top quartile for his performance in the past year. In the year for this NASDAQ performance ranking, which ended on May 20, 2016, the Arrow Financial Corporation shares were up 9.1 percent. Carusone has been the director of Arrow Financial Corporation since 1996.
According to the Arrow Financial Corporation website, “Arrow is a multi-bank holding company based in Glens Falls, New York, with over $2 billion in assets. Through its subsidiaries, Arrow Financial Corporation provides a broad range of banking and insurance services across northeastern New York, including online and mobile banking, trust services, money market and deposit accounts, and mortgage, consumer and commercial loans.”
As a Hamilton student, Carusone majored in French, and was a member of the fraternity, Sigma Phi. After graduating in 1963, he went on to attend Albany Law School, where he received his Juris Doctor Degree, and is currently an attorney and partner at a law firm located in Saratoga Springs, NY, Carusone & Carusone. He has two sons who are also Hamilton College alumni, John Carusone ’87 and Judson Carusone ’89.