
The Hamilton Environmental Action Group (HEAG) is hosting its annual Green Week to encourage sustainability and raise environmental awareness within the Hamilton community from Oct. 4. – Oct. 8. Green Week is designed both to promote a sense of individual environmental responsibility and to educate community members about environmental problems on campus that have global implications.

Events will begin on Monday with food service provider Bon Appetit’s discussion on "Environmentally Friendly Eating at Hamilton" at 4 p.m., in McEwen Dining Hall.

Tuesday is Low Carbon Diet Day in McEwen when all foods served will be from North America, thus eliminating air-freighted seafood, decreasing purchases of tropical fruits and reducing use of packaging and disposable containers. A Farmer’s Market will take place Wednesday on Martin’s Way from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Thursday will feature a screening of the “green movie” King Corn at 7:30 p.m. in the Red Pit at KJ. Green Week concludes with the annual Glen clean-up on Friday at 4 p.m. (Meet at the Science Center).


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