
The Preliminary Rounds of the 2006 Hamilton College Public Speaking Competition begin on Saturday, Feb. 11 at 1 p.m. in the Chapel. Students can compete for one of three prizes.  All interested students are asked to register in advance by sending an
e-mail to cwphelan@hamilton.edu. In the e-mail, students should indicate which competition they are registering for and identify their class year. Registration for the competition indicates a commitment to participate.

The Clark Prize is directed to all senior students in all disciplines, and includes both an essay and a speech. This year's topic is: Imagine for a moment that you could do it all over again. If you were entering Hamilton today as a first-year student, knowing what you know today, what new perspectives might you bring?

The Warren Wright Prize is open to all students who have taken one of two specific courses in public speaking. Students prepare an informative speech on a socially significant issue of current interest.

The McKinney Prize is open to all students, and one prize will be awarded to a student in each class. Students prepare a persuasive speech, and the topic should have relevance and interest for a Hamilton College audience. The Final Rounds of all three competitions will be held on March 4.

-- by Molly Kane '09

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