Heather Buchman conducts the Hamilton College orchestra.
Heather Buchman conducts the Hamilton College orchestra.

The Hamilton College Orchestra will present the third annual Brainstorm! concert on Sunday, March 6 at 3 p.m. at Wellin Hall in the Schambach Center for Music and the Performing Arts. Conducted by Heather Buchman, this narrated concert, titled Brainstorm! An Exploration of Music and Nature, will focus on how composers are influenced by the environment. The program for this concert will include Beethoven's Symphony No. 6, "Pastoral," Mahler's Blumine, and Aaron Copland's Down a Country Lane.

Assistant Professor of Music Heather Buchman is the conductor of the Hamilton College Orchestra.  She also directs the chamber music program and teaches courses in 20th-century music and orchestration.  In 2003 she conducted the Syracuse Society for New Music, and directed Monarch Brass, an ensemble of top professional women brass players, at the International Women's Brass Conference in Illinois; she also participated in the American Symphony Orchestra League Conducting Workshop in Chicago.

Buchman completed professional studies in conducting at The Juilliard School.  She holds an M.M. in orchestral conducting from the University of Michigan and a B. Mus. degree and Performer's Certificate in trombone from the Eastman School of Music.  Her major conducting teachers were Otto Werner Mueller, Kenneth Kiesler, Michael Jinbo, Murry Sidlin, and David Effron.  She served as principal trombonist of the San Diego Symphony from 1988 to 1996.  As a soloist she has won prizes in the ARD International Music Competition in Munich, Germany, and the New York Philharmonic Young Artists Concerto Competition, and has commissioned and premiered several new solo works for trombone.

This concert is free and open to the public. All seating is general admission and tickets are not required.


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