Barbara Gold, Steve Yao, Brent Plate
Barbara Gold, Steve Yao, Brent Plate

Barbara Gold (Classics), Steve Yao (English) and Brent Plate (Religious Studies) attended the Meeting of Directors of Humanities Centers at Small Liberal Arts Colleges at Wellesley College on Sept. 27.  This is a subgroup of the CHCI (Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes), an international group of colleges and universities that have (or will have/hope to have) humanities centers. 

The CHCI meets annually in various countries.  In 2014, the first year that Hamilton joined, Professor of French Martine Guyot-Bender represented Hamilton at the meeting in Hong Kong; the 2015 meeting will be in Madison, Wisc. 

The Liberal Arts College subgroup also meets annually, this year at Wellesley, to discuss events and logistics at various humanities centers. Represented at the meeting were, in addition to Wellesley, Haverford, Wesleyan, Colby, Carleton, Grinnell, Clark, Smith, Wake Forest, Dartmouth, Skidmore, Bentley and Hamilton.  The last three schools are working toward starting a humanities center.

Barbara Gold and Brent Plate will also be the Hamilton leaders for the NY6 Humanities Corridor ThinkTank.

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