Hamilton’s Department of Dance and Movement Studies will present its annual Spring Dance Concert on Friday, March 7, and Saturday, March 8, at 7:30 p.m., in Wellin Hall, Schambach Center for Music and Performing Arts. The performance will feature Hamilton student dancers and choreography by Hamilton faculty Elaine Heekin, Sandra Stanton, Bruce Walczyk and Paris Wilcox ’95 in addition to guest choreographer Matthew Powell.
"Pressure Point” choreographed by Professor Elaine Heekin incorporates a sense of collective energy and escaping that energy at various points. The repetitive driving score by Werner Niedermeier and Gareth Whitehead add to the underlying feel of increasing force produced by the slow concentrated movement.
Matthew Powell will present “Eight Dances of Simplicity” set to the music of Telemann. The piece explores and pays heartfelt tribute to the art of classical ballet in its purest form, while giving an inviting nod to the possibilities that exist for the art in the future.
Powell received his training at the School of American Ballet, the official school of New York City Ballet. He has professionally performed with Pacific Northwest Ballet, Kansas City Ballet, the San Francisco Opera, and danced principal/soloists roles in more than 50 works by renowned choreographers.
Sandra Stanton is a lecturer in dance and movement studies at Hamilton. She will present two pieces -- “Queens” set to the music of Sviridov-Pokhanovski Waltz from Snowstorm and “Race to the Greens” by Gourmet Race to the Green Greens.
“Sigfried: A Tale from the Dark Side,” choreographed by Professor Bruce Walczyk is a dark, semi-humorous piece that is based on kinesiology class assistant Sigfried’s experience and how he became a skeleton. The work is supported by an entertaining sound-score comprised of Tangerine Dream, Lou Rawls and Mary Wells with Marvin Gaye.
Alumnus Paris Wilcox is a lecturer in dance and movement studies at Hamilton. He will present “Degrees of Everywhere” which features four men and two women highlighting the playful interaction of the characters with a full complement of bravura partnering and dynamic footwork. With a rockabilly soundtrack by The Bacon Brothers, the piece is full of personality and individual character.
Tickets for this event are $5 for adults/ $3 for senior citizens and students. For more information call: (315) 859-4331 or visit hamiltonpa.org.