Shelley Haley, the Edward North Chair of Greek and Greek Literature and Professor of Classics and Africana Studies, is serving as the president of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) this year. In 2020 she was vice president and will serve as immediate past president in 2022. Haley is also the chair of the executive committee.
In a recent article in Diverse: Issues in Education titled “Time for Anti-Racism: A Way Forward for America and Higher Education,” Patrice Rankine of the University of Richmond wrote, “This January 2021, the SCS welcomed its first African American president, Shelley P. Haley…”
Rankine commented that classics as an academic field has come “come a long way” since the founding of the American Philological Association (now SCS) in 1869. He said that both Haley’s election as SCS president and a recent anti-racism workshop hosted by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States are “consistent with these major changes in the academic field” and reflect “some promising trends across the country.”