G. Roberts Kolb conducts the Hamilton College Choir.
G. Roberts Kolb conducts the Hamilton College Choir.

The Hamilton College Choir, conducted by G. Roberts Kolb, will present the home concert of its recently completed spring break tour on Wed., April 8, at 7:30 p.m., in Wellin Hall, Schambach Center for Music and the Performing Arts.

The 65-member choir performed in seven cities from March 17 – 21. Tour stops included Baltimore, Md.; Chapel Hill, N.C.; Charleston, S.C.; Atlanta, Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Pittsburgh, Pa.

The program for this year’s tour includes Hassler’s “Verbum caro factum est,” Pinkham’s “Festival Magnificat,” Johnson’s “Ain’ Got Time to Die,” Fissinger’s “Sweet-and-Twenty” and “To Daffodils,” and Rorem’s  selections from “From an Unknown Past,” among others.

The Hamilton College Choir boasts an uninterrupted tradition of fine choral singing that dates back for over a century. Each year the choir alternates performing in the Northeast, Midwest, South and Europe.

This concert is free and open to the public. For more information call the box office at 859-4331or visit www.hamiltonpa.org.

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