Eleven students were inducted into the Hamilton chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, the National Classics Honor Society, on April 30. The Hamilton chapter was established this year. The charter members of the Hamilton chapter of Eta Sigma Phi are Kevin Coppola '07, Adam Weisz '07, Rob Dunn '07, Chrissy Rubino '08 (president), Nate Miller '08, Matt Mesi '08 (secretary), Cassie Sullivan '09 (vice president), Casey Green '09 (treasurer), Ashley Langer '09, Maddie Ware '09, and Larry Allen '09 (sergeant-at-arms). The new Hamilton chapter was established by Professor of Classics Barbara Gold.
Founded in 1914, the purposes of Eta Sigma Phi are to develop and promote interest in classical study among the students of colleges and universities; to promote closer fraternal relationship among students who are interested in classical study, and to stimulate interest in classical study, and in the history, art, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. The new Hamilton chapter was established by Professor of Classics Barbara Gold.

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