Associate Professor of Russian John Bartle was recently honored by The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) for Distinguished Service to AATSEEL 2011. Bartle has served as associate editor for book reviews for the Slavic and East European Journal since its fall 2001 issue.
A citation given to Bartle by AATSEEL president Caryl Emerson read, “The book reviews editor oversees the preparation of well over 100 reviews per year, which means John has to manage the publication 30-40 reviews per issue and correspond with (and sometimes gently cajole) over 30 authors per publishing cycle.
“At Hamilton College, where John is a beloved Associate Professor of Russian, his office functions partly as a 'SEEJ workshop.' Students attending office hours often find John at work on some part of the book review process and ask about it, in the process learning about a corner of the academic world they had never encountered before.
The citation continued, “The review section appears to occupy about a third of every issue of the journal; were it printed in the same larger point type as the articles are, it would be immediately clear that John’s efficient and graceful work is responsible for closer to half the total pages in any given issue. SEEJ editor Gerald Janecek notes that ‘the book review section is really the pulse of the profession.’ In that sense John’s work with publication and reviewers is a vital aspect of our evolving professional conversation about what we do and why; the reviews show us the depth and breadth of our several fields and draw into that conversation scholars at every level, from graduate students to senior colleagues. John’s unstinting service to the journal benefits and honors every one of us, and it is a joy to be able to honor him in return.”