The Hamilton College Womyn's Center is an inclusive, student-run organization led by women that seeks to raise awareness of issues that affect women at Hamilton and around the world. Through its events, the Womyn's Center encourages the Hamilton community to explore the intersection of gender, race, sexual orientation, class and other characteristics as they are incorporated into societal structures that maintain hierarchical injustices. For information about the Womyn's Center or Womyn's Energy Week events, contact WC co-chairs Grace Dobbyn '08 (gdobbyn) and Zoe Viccaji '07 (zviccaji).
Schedule of events:
Tuesday, April 10
"Athletic Equality at Hamilton: Does It Exist?" 8 p.m., Science Center Kennedy Auditorium (G027)
Rachel Schwartzman will lead a discussion on the topic of women's athletics at Hamilton, in relation to her senior government thesis on the enforcement of Title IX. The panel will also include athletes from several Hamilton teams.
Wednesday, April 11
"In the Wake of the Storm: Gender, Race, and Class Disadvantage Pre- and Post-Katrina," 4:15 pm, Kirner-Johnson Red Pit (KJ 109)
Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, director of Poverty, Education and Social Justice Programs at the Institute for Women's Policy Research ( will provide highlights of her previous research looking at the socio-economic well-being of women in the Gulf Coast region before and after Hurricane Katrina. She will also discuss her upcoming qualitative work on the same topic.
Thursday, April 12
HPV Awareness Day
Info Table: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Beinecke Student Activities Village
Info Session with Nurse Christine Merritt: 4:10 pm, Science Center Kennedy Auditorium (G027)
Visit the Womyn's Center table in Beinecke from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. for information about HPV, cervical cancer, and ways to protect yourself, including the new HPV vaccine. Director of Student Health Services Christine Merritt, NP, will give a brief talk and Q&A session about HPV and the Health Center's services at 4:10 p.m. in the Science Auditorium.
Friday, April 13
Car Maintenance Demonstration and Workshop (two sessions: 3-4 p.m. and 4-5 p.m.)
Mystery Ingredient Cooking Competition
Learn basic car maintenance skills! Show off your cooking prowess!
Keep an eye out for all-campus email announcements for more information on these events and to find out how to sign up.
Saturday, April 14
Self Defense Classes
Gabe "Godzilla" Ruediger and Diego Cuenca will teach two sessions (11 a.m. -1 p.m., 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.) on the basics of self-defense using the Japanese martial art of jujitsu. Advanced sign-up by e-mail will be necessary – watch for all-campus emails advertising the event.
-- by Caroline Russell O'Shea '07