Margaret Boyse '91, Ingrid Schneider '85 and Andrew Burns'78 hosted a Hamilton Alumni Assciation party at the home of Ingrid Schneider '85 and David Reiger. Of the 114 alumni living in the Triangle-area, nearly 35 guests attended this party, a first for the newly formed Triangle Alumni Association.
Several alumni, parents and friends called to give their regrets but expressed interest in future networking opportunities. Attendees were excited to be with their fellow Hamilton friends and especially delighted to find pizza, Saranac and Utica Club available. Perhaps Alteri's pizza and Clinton cider will find their way to the next event!
Several alumni, parents and friends called to give their regrets but expressed interest in future networking opportunities. Attendees were excited to be with their fellow Hamilton friends and especially delighted to find pizza, Saranac and Utica Club available. Perhaps Alteri's pizza and Clinton cider will find their way to the next event!
The highlight of the evening was the trivia contest with such questions as "What year was Hamilton/Kirkland founded? What was B.F. Skinners full name? Where was Alexander Hamilton born?" Matt's Brewing Company generously provided enough Saranac glasses for every attendee as well as prizes. Caps were won by Sandy Gotlieb K'79 and Margaret Boyse '91. The last prize, a tee shirt, went to Nikie Sarris '02 for driving the farthest, 30 miles.
Suggestions for future events included a Durham Bulls baseball game and a picnic at Falls Lake. The newly formed group is looking for hosts for these events and the annual birthday party of Alexander Hamilton held in January. Please e-mail for suggestions or questions about the Hamilton Triangle Alumni Association.