A lavishly and beautifully illustrated catalogue of a remarkable art collection, written with style and insight by the collector’s granddaughter. Her grandfather, founder of Sturm, Ruger & Co., today the world’s largest manufacturer of small firearms, is credited with having single-handedly revolutionized the American firearms industry. He embarked on his collecting, predominantly of American art and with emphasis on Western and sports subjects, in the late 1950s, and by the time of his death last year, the collection encompassed 212 works, including those of Bierstadt, Homer, and Remington. Reflecting the personal tastes and interests of an extraordinary man, these “fruits of a lifelong hunt for compelling works of art” are depicted and described in a volume that is a “coffee-table” book in the very best sense of the word. The author, who concentrated in art history at Hamilton, is an independent consultant, specializing in 19th- and 20th-century fine art. She resides in Fairfield, CT. In 2000, she curated Hamilton Makes Art, the first exhibition of Hamilton and Kirkland’s alumni artists.
"As I embarked on this novel journey exploring how each of these works figured into the history of art, I never dreamed how much I would learn about both my grandfather and his collection after a decade of close observation(www.barnesandnoble.com)."
"As I embarked on this novel journey exploring how each of these works figured into the history of art, I never dreamed how much I would learn about both my grandfather and his collection after a decade of close observation(www.barnesandnoble.com)."